Give your online event a live event vibe: 3 tips from a professional NYC event photographer

We all miss being together. Coronavirus has put a pause on gatherings large and small, and many businesses have been moving their events calendar online. Though there will never be a perfect substitute for the energy and enthusiasm of being physically present, these tips can help to give a live event vibe to your online event!

Set up some virtual breakout groups

Many event attendees are just as interested in the networking element of a live event as they are in its content. The connections and conversations that occur during breaks from content are an incredibly valuable component of an event. Incorporate some virtual breakout sessions — set up some smaller meeting links for groups of 10 or less that will each focus on a different topic. These can occur during breaks from content for longer events, or at the conclusion of a short event.

Allow attendees to sign up for the topic that interests them, and assign a member of your team to lead each discussion. This will allow the attendees to connect and participate, rather than having an entirely passive experience.


Digital swag!

Everybody loves the giveaways at events. In lieu of physical goods, ask your typical sponsors to provide vouchers or coupon codes that can be used on their website. If you’ve got a particularly generous sponsor that is willing to contribute something of large value, consider having a digital raffle, or perhaps even a contest! This can be a great opportunity to generate enthusiasm and participation for your online event.

Encourage post-event discussion

When registering for your event, allow attendees to opt into sharing their contact info with the group. This will further generate discussion and allow for the networking opportunities that typically wouldn’t exist in an online setting. Add a hashtag for your event and provide some prompts to continue the discussion over social media. This hashtag can also be incorporated into the giveaways described above!

Don’t lose momentum with your audience. Use these tips to avoid a passive experience for your attendees and bring some life and energy into your online event!

And when those in-person events do return, check out our work and we’ll help capture the experience!  


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