How to Build a Corporate Brand

Without a distinct identity, your business won’t stand out – especially in a crowded market.

Sure, you can get more exposure through ads or building funnels, but what if there was a way you could organically have customers point out your brand from a packed crowd… and remember it when they need your products?

If you want to stand out in a sea of competitors, the first step is learning how to build a corporate brand.

Here’s what it takes to create corporate branding that distinguishes you from the crowd and leaves a lasting impression on your audience and future customers.

What is Corporate Branding?: Key Elements

Corporate branding is about crafting a unique identity, including distinctive values, personalities, characteristics, institutional messaging, mission, and vision in a way that resonates with your customers.

When learning how to build a corporate brand, here’s where to start.


Audiences can sense when messaging feels forced or overly general. In a sea of organizations trying to one-up each other by saying the same things, customers want something real and raw.

That’s where you can come in — with a unique corporate brand. Speak directly to your audience and separate your brand from the competition by showcasing your company's true values and beliefs.

Whether it's through your actions, your words, or your marketing materials, make sure that everything you do aligns with your brand’s promises.

credit: Patagonia

Patagonia knows their audience and what they care about and they speak to it in their branding and advertising. They know talk is cheap and have committed to donating a percentage of revenue toward conservation efforts as well. The “Protect Your Playground” campaign was one of many campaigns that show their brand promise of environmental activism put to work.

Visual Consistency

Visual consistency will play a key role in your journey when learning how to build a corporate brand. People thrive off patterns and repetition, so keeping your visual identity consistent across all brand touchpoints is crucial to staying memorable. This consistency also works to build trust and foster authentic connections with your audience.

Coca Cola Social Media Brand Imagery

Clear Messaging

If your brand was a person at a party, what would they say to make everyone want to hang out with them? This is your unique value proposition (UVP).

Figure out what sets your business apart from the crowd and shout it from the rooftops. Craft messaging that's short, sweet, and to the point, and make sure it reflects your brand's personality and speaks directly to your target market.

Just as you should keep your visuals consistent, you should also take a uniform approach towards your messaging. You don't want to confuse people or dilute your brand identity.

Emotional Appeal

Share stories that resonate with your audience and make them feel something. Does the backstory of your company start with a tale of triumph over adversity? A multi-year struggle that you or your founder solved through a product?

Whatever it is, make sure it connects them with your brand on a deeper level. Identify the emotional benefits your brand offers, as well — whether it's joy, comfort, or belonging — and make them the star of the show.

The World Wildlife Fund used an emotional appeal through clever reimagining of an everyday object: paper towels.

As you get to know your audience’s needs, aspirations, and pain points, you can tailor and specify your messaging even further.

How to Build a Corporate Brand: Step By Step

1. Define Your Brand Identity

A strong brand identity is what will set you apart from the crowd. Deep dive into your company's values, mission, and who you're trying to reach.

Think about it like giving your brand its own personality. What traits do you want it to be known for? Friendly? Professional? Quirky?

Then, craft a brand persona that embodies those characteristics, and sum it all up in a brand positioning statement that tells the world what makes you special.

2. Develop a Brand Strategy

Now that you know who you are, it's time to figure out where you're going.

Set some clear objectives and goals for your brand that line up with your overall business objectives. You’ll need to have done some proper market research and competitor analysis to begin this process properly.

Developing your brand architecture will lay out the relationship between your corporate brand and any sub-brands or product lines that arise from it in the future.

3. Create Brand Assets

Consistency is key when it comes to visuals. Your colors, fonts, and corporate brand photography should not only look good but also feel right for your brand. Don’t forget about brand collateral like business cards, letterheads, and presentation templates. It may seem small, but it's in the subtleties and finer details that really show a brand is being intentional.

4. Get Corporate Brand Photos for Your Website and LinkedIn

It's time to put some faces to those logos! Having well-branded corporate headshots humanizes your brand, makes it feel more relatable, and showcases your brand’s diverse leadership qualities.

Think about the small but immensely powerful difference a “team” section on your website can make. Matching, professional headshots, while giving all members the opportunity to be themselves can be a powerful way to show your unique strengths.

Or, even the ability to communicate your brand’s value proudly!

5. Deliver a Consistent Brand Experience

Consistency, consistency, consistency.

Consistency is imperative when it comes to building a strong corporate brand. You want your customers to know exactly what to expect every time they interact with your brand.

To further the consistency of your brand experience:

  • Train your employees to embody your brand values. Every interaction should reflect your brand's personality and values. Consistency starts from within, so make sure your team is on board and ready to represent your brand with pride.

  • Keep an eye on what people are saying about your brand online. Monitor brand mentions on social media and other online platforms to ensure that the way your brand is perceived is consistent across the board. If there are any discrepancies, address them promptly to maintain a cohesive brand image.

  • Don't be afraid to adapt. Market conditions and consumer preferences are always changing, so it's essential to continuously evaluate and adjust your brand strategy as needed. Stay agile and responsive to make sure that your brand remains relevant and resonates with your target audience.

Capture Your Visually Cohesive Corporate Brand with Johnny Wolf Studio!

Create a brand that stands out from the crowd and leaves a lasting impression on your audience. As a corporate brand photography studio based in NYC, we love helping brands find ways to differentiate. Reach out today to get started!


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