Top 7 Corporate Event Planning Ideas to Drive Engagement and Make Your Event Unforgettable

When it comes to events, the magic is in the planning. Our work in photographing events in NYC has given us quite a few corporate event planning ideas that make for an unforgettable night. After over a decade of working with brands and corporate event planners, here are our 7 top tips to make your event stand out.

Engage Your Attendees With Corporate Event Planning Ideas that Work

1. Create Shareable Experiences

The close of your event is just the beginning when it comes to measuring your event’s impact. Ensure that your event continues to be talked about by including some instagram-worthy activations that encourage attendees to share on social media. 

Forbes had a clever activation at a previous Women’s Summit that allowed attendees to see themselves on the cover of the iconic magazine. After posing for a photo, they were given a printout of their own personalized Forbes cover, complete with a female-focused title that tied it into the event’s theme. This was a big hit and led to a lot of social shares and brand engagement.

Photo booths with a branded backdrop and fun props are another great way to get people posting about your event and get more eyeballs on your brand.

Corporate event attendees enjoying a branded photo booth activation.

Tip: place these activations strategically around your venue where they’ll get the most visibility. Maybe it’s by the entrance where participants usually hang around in the events, or right by the breakout area.

2. Save Your Keynote Speaker for the End

Keeping your audience engaged throughout the event can be a challenge, especially if it's a long one.

Some of the best (and most well-attended) corporate events we’ve shot had one thing in common – rather than front-loading the agenda with prominent speakers, they saved the keynote speech for the end of the program. This encourages attendees to stick it out through the duration of the event to ensure they’ll see the best content.

Continue to tease small details about the keynote throughout the event to build anticipation and excitement. This helps your attendees remain engaged through the full agenda, and leaves them feeling fulfilled and looking forward to the next one.

Keynote speaker Elon Musk taking the stage at a corporate event in NYC.

3. Showcase Your Sponsors Prominently Via Signage and Brand Activations

Your sponsors are a vital part of your corporate event. Showcasing them effectively can help secure repeat sponsorships and future relationships with new sponsors.

We often see sponsored brand activations when photographing corporate events. These activations tend to be more experiential in nature and can include things like product demos, contests, pop-ups and other interactive experiences within your event.

For a great example, consider how this HP sponsorship was implemented at a conference geared towards women in business. The activation provided a variety of signs with emotional phrases about empowering women in the workplace, and encouraged attendees to pose for a professional portrait with their chosen message.

To make these corporate events planning ideas your own, you might have a station where participants can try out your sponsors’ products in real life in an immersive and creative way. You can work with your marketing team and sponsors to dream this up, and have your corporate event photographer capture it all.

4. Allow Ample Time for Networking Breaks

Aside from speaker content, attendees get a lot of benefit out of the networking opportunities that come with events. The value of networking at corporate events can’t be understated, and your guests will appreciate having ample opportunity to connect with their colleagues.

Insert these pauses after key speeches or before major activities to keep energy levels high without overwhelming your guests.

Plan your venue layout with conversation-friendly spaces that have comfortable seating, refreshments nearby, and warm and inviting lighting to welcome participants in. This not only makes it easier for people to network but also creates great opportunities for candid shots of engaged attendees.

Attendees networking during a break at a corporate event in NYC with relaxed seating and soft, natural lighting.

5. Include Breakout Sessions

For a diverse and engaging event experience, incorporate breakout sessions that cater to a range of corporate event ideas and themes tailored to your attendees’ interests. Further incentivize participation by including giveaways or raffles in the sessions.

This is also a great time for interactive elements like hands-on workshops or collaborative projects. Injecting interactive elements like these is a great way to keep energy levels up between speaker content.

These smaller, focused groups allow for more in-depth discussion and hands-on activities related to your event’s theme. They also make for more structured networking opportunities outside of more informal breaks, ensuring guests have plenty of opportunities to find something valuable.

6. Implement a Headshot Station

A professional headshot station is a great opportunity for attendees to have a valuable takeaway from your event – a fresh new photo they can use on their LinkedIn! This can be done using either the venue as the backdrop, or your photographer can set up a neutral backdrop (see samples of both below).

To ensure the headshot station runs smoothly, place it near a high-traffic area so it’s easy to find and readily accessible to attendees. The process should be efficient, with a sign-up sheet and a professional headshot photographer on hand who can produce high-quality images. 

After the event, you’ll have contact information for all guests who took part, giving you a great opportunity to conduct post-event feedback and discussions. 

Attendee getting a professional headshot at a corporate event in NYC.
Professional headshot of event attendee at a corporate event in NYC.

7. Reward Attendees With Some Post-Event Fun After the Long Days

After a full day of sessions and networking, your attendees deserve some downtime to relax and unwind. Planning some fun post-event activities is a great way to reward their participation and keep the good vibes going.

Live bands, a stand-up comedian, or even your own private magic show can all be great means of entertainment to fit the overall theme and energy of your corporate event.

Magician performing at a corporate event’s post-event entertainment, engaging attendees with a magic show.

Beyond the content itself, these fun gatherings are a great way to boost registrations and generate enthusiasm for your event. The candid shots you’ll get from these activities are sure to be useful when promoting future events!

Bonus Tips from a NYC Corporate Event Photographer

Now that you have some corporate event planning ideas in your toolbox, here are some extra tips for making sure both your event and the photos you capture are top-notch and distinctive.

Invest in Great Stage Lighting

Conduct a lighting test with your a/v team for all of the different speaker arrangements that will be used on stage. Ensure that every area is well and evenly lit without creating harsh shadows or overly bright spots. This extra step will make for a much nicer result, both for attendees and the quality of work from your event photographer. 

Match Stage Lighting With Ambient Light

For photography, consistent lighting is everything. It ensures that the photos look natural and that the colors are true to life.

If your stage lighting is a different color temperature from the general room lights (or the light coming in from any large windows), it can create a disjointed visual experience and affect the quality of the photos.

Ensure that both the stage and room lighting complement each other, maintaining a balance that feels natural and is conducive to both the attendee experience and photography. This will make your event photos look much more natural and true-to-life.

Consider Freedom of Movement When Designing Seating

Your seating layout can dramatically influence the success of both photography and attendee engagement at your event. To optimize both, ensure there's enough space between rows and that aisles are wide enough for people to pass without disruption.

Consider the best vantage points for photos and make sure that your photographer will have easy access to these locations. Plan for varied and dynamic seating arrangements that cater to both comfort and visual appeal, making it easier to capture engaging and diverse photographs.

Let Johnny Wolf Studio Capture the Excitement of Your Corporate Event in NYC!

Our team of NYC corporate event photographers is dedicated to capturing the energy and unique atmosphere of your event. While you focus on creating an unforgettable experience for your attendees, we’ll ensure every moment is showcased with authenticity.

Contact us today to make your next event a success!


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